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SSRI Fall Gathering 2019
Faculty and staff from all of SSRI's units recently gathered together at the Hintz Family Alumni Center to celebrate major accomplishments of the year and to announce staff awards. The “Above and Beyond Award” was given to Avery Urusow from the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness. Diane…
Denise Solomon named distinguished scholar by National Communication Association
Denise Haunani Solomon, professor and head of the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, has received the 2019 Distinguished Scholar Award from the National Communication Association (NCA). She will receive the award during the association’s…
SBIR Road Tour coming to University Park on Sept. 19
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) national SBIR Road Tour is coming to Penn State's University Park campus on Sept. 19 as part of a 16-stop tour to connect entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early-stage funding — the Small Business…
Researchers awarded for translating research into evidence-based policymaking
The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) recently recognized two Penn State researchers for their significant impacts in the field of prevention science, at its annual meeting in San Francisco. Max Crowley, assistant professor of human development and family studies and director of the Social…
Health behavior and social science data among projects winning strategic support
Initiatives that include studying the sustainable management of forests using Penn State forestland as a living laboratory; developing professional development and instructional tools for educators to teach difficult historical and social subjects; and a summer program designed to prepare…
$1.2 million NSF grant funds interdisciplinary Child Study Center project
“STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] skills have not been a priority in early childhood education,” said Evan Pugh University Professor Karen Bierman, director of the Penn State Child Study Center housed in the Department of Psychology in the College of the Liberal Arts. “…
Accomplishments of the Behavioral and Social Sciences
For a number of years, OBSSR has made available a fact sheet that lists some key accomplishments of health-related behavioral and social sciences research. That fact sheet, developed in 2013, is becoming dated and is a short list of only a few key accomplishments resulting from behavioral and…
Researchers recognized for innovative work in aging
The Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging has recently recognized three investigators in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State for their innovative research in aging. Nilam Ram, professor of human development and family studies and psychology; Lizbeth Benson, a…
Society accepting nominations for outstanding postdocs, mentors
The Penn State Postdoctoral Society (PSPS) is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 5th Annual Penn State Outstanding Post Doc and Postdoctoral Mentor Awards. The Postdoctoral Mentor Award will recognize an outstanding faculty member who has demonstrated a commitment…
New Effective Date for the Revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide
Due to the recent lapse in appropriations, implementation of the revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), (NSF 19-1) was postponed. We are pleased to announce that the revised PAPPG will now be effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after February 25,…
PRI awarded stategic initiative grant
Led by PRI director and SSRI co-fund Jennifer Glick, a coalition from the Penn State Harrisburg State Data Center, PRI, and affiliated research centers and the demographic research training programs at Penn State, a new Penn State Strategic Initiative Grant was awarded to establish the Pennsylvania…
Penn State Geography class wins regional competition
Penn State’s Geography 421 class was recently named a regional winner in the first Draw the Lines PA mapping competition. The class is led by PRI affiliate, Christopher Fowler, assistant professor of geography. Fowler discovered the Draw the Lines after a Google search and took his findings to his…
25 Years of Service
Cheri McConnell, education coordinator with the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network, and Michael Rineer, manager of Network and Information Systems at SSRI, were recently awarded Penn State Mantel Clocks for their 25 years of service to the University. For a complete listing of 25-Year Award…
News Topics: Award25 Years of Service
SSRI Fall Gathering 2018
Faculty and staff from all of SSRI's units recently gathered together at the Hintz Family Alumni Center to celebrate major accomplishments of the year and to announce staff awards. The “Workplace Climate Promotion Award” was given to Renee Kotch from the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness…
De Jong receives PAA honor
Gordon De Jong recently became an honoree of the Population Association of America (PAA). The PAA’s Honor A Colleague page campaigns are led by PAA members who want to see their colleagues recognized for their contributions to PAA and the population research community. PAA members include…
Firebaugh receives 2018 American Sociological Association Award
Glenn Firebaugh, Roy C. Buck Professor of American Institutions and professor of sociology and demography, received the 2018 American Sociological Association Methodology Section Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award. This award recognizes sociologist who have contributed to the field of sociological…
Yocum receives ACOR 2018 Career Achievement Award
The Administrative Committee on Research (ACOR) 2018 Career Achievement Award was presented to Sherry Yocum at the Annual Retreat Conference on September 7 at the Penn Stater Conference Center. She was recognized for her outstanding contributions towards the support…
Iceland receives Raymond Lombra Award
John Iceland, PRI associate and professor of sociology and demography, was recently awarded the Raymond Lombra Award for Distinction in the Social Sciences for his work in this area. Iceland’s research interests include demography, social inequality, immigration and incorporation, and urban…
Ramey receives Roy C. Buck Award
David Ramey, PRI associate and assistant professor of sociology and criminology, was recently selected as the Roy C. Buck Award recipient for his paper titled, "The influence of early school punishment and therapy/medication on social control experiences during young adulthood”, published in…
Sexsmith receives Roy C. Buck Award for paper on health care access
PRI affiliate Kathleen Sexsmith, assistant professor of rural sociology in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, is the recipient of the college's 2017 Roy C. Buck Faculty Award, which recognizes the best article accepted or published by a refereed scholarly journal in the social sciences…
Science achievement gaps study recognized
Penn State researchers Paul Morgan, CEDR director and professor of education, and Marianne Hillemeier, professor of health policy and administration and demography, and their colleague George Farkas, professor of education at University of California Irvine, received the Distinguished Research…
Frankenberg named among RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings
PRI associate Erica Frankenberg was once again named among the 2018 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings, identifying the university-based scholars in the U.S. who are doing the most to shape educational practice and policy. Simply being included in this list of 200 scholars is an…
News Topics: Education PolicyAward