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Health (4) Rural Sociology (12) School (16) School of Public Policy (2) Science Policy (1) Security (2) Seed Funding (27) Segregation (14) Self-control (2) Seminar (7) Siblings (1) SJRC Equity Fellows (1) Sleep (5) SLEIC (1) Smoking (4) Social Data Analytics (2) Social Inequity (2) Social Justice (3) Social Media (4) Social Science (62) social stressors (1) Sociology (48) Software (3) Special Education (12) Spring Gathering (2) SRC (1) SSRI (79) SSRI Affiliates (3) SSRI cofunds (23) SSRI Director (5) SSRI Staff (1) Stress (4) Substance Abuse (14) Substance Use (7) Suicide (2) Support Resources (2) Survey Research Center (1) Symposium (2) Teams (1) Teens (4) Texas (1) Transportation (1) Twitter Data (5) unemployment rate (3) University Policy (2) Veterans (2) Violence (1) Visiting Scholar (1) Water (6) We Are (2) Why Social Science? (19) Womens Health (2) Womens Studies (1) work conditions (1) Workforce Development (1) working group (1) working groups (2) Workshop (10)
New SSRI Working Group - Collaborative on Population Aging Disparities
Collaborative on Population Aging Disparities The Collaborative on Population Aging Disparities (CoPAD) is an SSRI-funded working group that focuses on new and growing sources of inequality among aging adults, with attention to the ways that population dynamics and life course processes interact to…
President Bendapudi visits SSRI
Recently, Penn State President Dr. Neeli Bendapudi visited SSRI to learn about our institute and the important research being conducted in the social sciences at Penn State. After a welcome from SSRI Director Deborah Ehrenthal, President Bendapudi heard highlights from SSRI core research resources…
COSSA’s Social Science Rankings place Penn State at #6
COSSA recently released its annual College and University Rankings for Federal Social and Behavioral Science R&D, which highlight the top university recipients of research dollars in the social and behavioral sciences. In their rankings, Penn State came in sixth place with over $46 million…
News Topics: COSSASocial Science
Social science explains why K-12 integration efforts should continue
BY GENEVIEVE SIEGEL-HAWLEY AND ERICA FRANKENBERG, for The Hill The Supreme Court’s recent ruling to overturn affirmative action in higher education comes at a time when racial inequality in K-12 schools is deep and growing. The court’s decision immediately curtails what was an already limited…
Firearm injuries undermine mental, physical, and financial health
By Keren Landman for Vox In his speech last Thursday about the Robb Elementary School massacre in Uvalde, Texas, President Joe Biden spoke about a young student who’d averted the shooter’s attention by smearing her classmate’s blood on her face. “Imagine what it would be like for her to walk down…
Community-Engaged Researcher Survey
Penn State faculty are invited to participate in a survey as part of a collaborative Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) and Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) initiative to strengthen existing and foster new community-academic partnerships in community-engaged…
News Topics: Social ScienceCTSI
Mood of the Nation Poll examines gun control as case reaches Supreme Court
The Supreme Court’s decision on a New York City gun regulation could mean the first significant judicial action on gun reform in nearly a decade — at a time when the McCourtney Institute for Democracy’s Mood of the Nation Poll finds that a majority of Americans support stricter regulations for gun…
Progressive gender views may protect health of financially dependent men
As it becomes more common for women to be the breadwinner of their family, men’s health may be affected depending on their views on gender ideology, according to Penn State researchers. The researchers found that men who were financially dependent on their wives and who also had more traditional…
NIH Requests Public Comment on a Draft Policy for Data Management and Sharing and Supplemental Draft Guidance
NIH recently released a Draft NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing and supplemental draft guidance for public comment. The purpose of this draft policy and supplemental draft guidance is to promote effective and efficient data management and sharing that furthers NIH’s commitment to…
Why Social Science? - Because It Tells Us How to Create More Engaged Citizens
By Adam Seth Levine, PhD, Associate Professor of Government, Cornell University; President, research4impact Engaged citizens are not born. They are made. Leaders of voluntary civic associations play a critical role in this process. They offer people opportunities to exercise their voice on issues…
Evidence lights the way
By Adam Gamoran, Science Magazine These are dark times for science and public policy in the United States. In June, it was revealed that the White House suppressed the congressional testimony of a State Department scientist on the implications of climate change for national security—just the latest…
Why Social Science? - Because Social Science Is a Form of Service that Improves Quality of Life for People Around the World
By Arthur Lupia, PhD, Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation If you are reading these words, chances are you are a social scientist or someone who cares about social science. Either way, I am grateful to you and everyone who devotes…
NIH to begin requiring ORCID ID for many awards
The NIH, as well as several academic journals across disciplines, are now requiring (or soon will be) the use of an ORCID ID when submitting certain proposals or papers. The benefits to the worldwide research community are many - identification by the non-profit organization, ORCID, helps…
Are you a translational scientist?
By George A. Mashour, M.D., Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (JCTS) Recently, an international group of investigators who are part of the Translation Together consortium defined the ideal characteristics of a translational scientist. Recall that translational…
News Topics: Clinical and Translational ScienceSocial Science
What school segregation looks like in the US today, in 4 charts
By Erica Frankenburg, for The Conversation Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a senator from California, has spoken about how she benefited from attending Berkeley’s desegregated schools. “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public…
Penn State to host first international conference on Project Drawdown research
Penn State, in partnership with Project Drawdown, will hold the first international conference on climate solutions, based on the 2017 New York Times best-seller “Drawdown, The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.” The conference, titled “Research to Action: The Science…
Film on Puerto Rico, energy policy to premiere at Penn State
“DisemPOWERed: Puerto Rico's Perfect Storm,” a film that examines the reasons why Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, will premiere at Penn State. The screening will occur at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 23, in Foster Auditorium in Pattee Library. Following the screening there will be a…
Penn State hosts second annual Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods
Successful research methods regarding immigration and migrant populations was the focus of the 2019 Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods, held recently at Penn State’s University Park campus. Jennifer Van Hook, Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography and a Social Science…
Community-Engaged Research Day fosters collaborative partnerships
Community leaders and scientists shared breakfast and sought solutions to problems like opioids, obesity and depression June 6 at the Community-Engaged Research Day. The Community-Engaged Research Core of Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute hosted the event at Dixon University…
Why Social Science? - Because It Can Improve the Lives of Those Who Serve Our Country
By Leanne K. Knobloch, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Communication, University of Illinois & Steven R. Wilson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Communication, University of South Florida Throughout our nation’s history, members of the U.S. military have served our country with honor, courage,…
Penn State’s social sciences top NSF Rankings
The social sciences at Penn State was ranked tenth out of over 900 institutions by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in their NSF Total Research Expenditure Rankings for Fiscal Year 2017. The rankings are based on the total dollars in federal research and development expenditures of each…
Penn State podcast series covering issues impacting democracy
Penn State podcast series covering issues impacting democracy Penn State’s The McCourtney Institute for Democracy has crafted an intellectual podcast series, Democracy Works, to highlight issues in American democracy. Instead of bipartisan debate, the series addresses problems from a broader…
Despite dire predictions, levels of social support remain steady in the U.S.
Although Americans have faced waves of social, technological and economic disruption over the last few decades, a new study indicates that their perceptions of available social support have remained steady and, in some cases, may even be strengthening. In a study that examined data that spans…
Seed funding available for autism spectrum disorder
SSRI is requesting pilot research project proposals aimed at advancing solutions for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Funding will be granted to applications that best align with the mission of improving the treatment for and understanding of ASD. SSRI is encouraging the…
Summer 2019 Scholarly Communications Workshops offered by University Libraries
This summer, students, faculty and staff can participate in communications workshops that cover topics such as open access, copyright and fair-use policies. The workshops, which take place through Aug. 13, are coordinated by Ana Enriquez, scholarly communications outreach librarian, and will take…