Gordon De Jong recently became an honoree of the Population Association of America (PAA).
The PAA’s Honor A Colleague page campaigns are led by PAA members who want to see their colleagues recognized for their contributions to PAA and the population research community. PAA members include demographers, sociologists, economists, public health professionals, and individuals interested in research and education in the population field.
De John joined Penn State in 1963 as an assistant professor of sociology. He served as acting head of the department of sociology from 1979 to 1980 and was named a Distinguished Professor in 1991. He is the co-founder of the Population Research Institute, previously named the Population Issues Research Center, where he served as director in 1974-76 and 1982-88. In 1987 he founded the graduate program in demography at Penn State and was the continuing director until 2013.
A nationally and internationally known expert in migration and immigration research, De John funded many projects across the world. His results have been presented to the United Nations, the European Union, U.S national and state government leaders, and at international professional association forums. He has authored three books and over two dozen policy research reports.
Read more about Gordon F. De John’s accomplishments on his PAA Honor A Colleague page.
The Population Association of America (PAA) was established in 1930 and promotes the improvement, advancement and progress of the human condition through research of problems related to human population.