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Saunders named as 2024-25 cohort member of the Health Equity Scholars Program
Tracee Saunders, assistant professor of political science and Social Science Research Institute co-funded faculty member, was announced in fall 2024 as a member of the 2024-25 cohort of the Scholars Strategy Network (SSN)’s Health Equity Scholars Program (HESP). This fellowship supports…
News Topics: SSRI cofundsFunding
Social media users probably won’t read beyond this headline, researchers say
Congratulations. Reading this far into the story is a feat not many will accomplish, especially if shared on Facebook, according to a team led by Penn State researchers. In an analysis of more than 35 million public posts containing links that were shared extensively on the social media platform…
How do formerly incarcerated individuals navigate community reentry?
Fifty years of punitive criminal justice policies have created a growing population of older incarcerated individuals who are now eligible for community release but lack the social or economic capital to rebuild their lives, according to a team of researchers from Penn State and the University of…
Australia offers lessons for increasing American life expectancy
Despite being home to some of the world’s most dangerous animals, Australia has led the English-speaking world in life expectancy for the last three decades. As for other high-income Anglophone countries, the Irish saw the largest gains in life expectancy, while Americans have finished dead last…
$5M grant to engage Indigenous communities in climate change research
Indigenous communities around the globe face profound threats from climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation. Now, an international team that includes researchers from Penn State have been awarded $5 million by the U.S. National Science Foundation, along with funding from Canada, the…
Van Hook named distinguished professor
Jennifer Van Hook, Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography, College of the Liberal Arts, was recently named distinguished professor by Penn State's Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. The distinguished professor or distinguished librarian title recognizes outstanding…
Rural health symposium being held Jan. 24
The Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) is hosting a Symposium on Social Science Research on Rural Health at Penn State on Jan. 24, 3 - 5 p.m., in 110 Henderson Building. According to symposium organizer Danielle Rhubart, assistant professor of biobehavioral health and demography and…
Brant receives Roy C. Buck Award
Kristina Brant, assistant professor of rural sociology and SSRI cofund, received the Roy C. Buck Award at the College of Agricultural Sciences' 2023 Research Awards Ceremony, held Nov. 1 at the Hintz Family Alumni Center on the University Park campus. Brant was honored…
SSRI Welcomes Three New Co-Funded Faculty Members
The Social Science Research Institute welcomes three new co-funded faculty members to Penn State: Cleothia Frazier, asistant professor of sociology in the College of Liberal Arts. Frazier completed her Ph.D. in sociology at Vanderbilt University and MPH at Michigan State University.…
New student civil rights project funded
SSRI Co-fund, Maithreyi Gopalan (PI) and PRI Faculty Associate, Erica Frankenberg (Co-PI) were recently awarded a grant by the Student Experience Research Network. Project Title: Centering Civil Rights Protections to Support Equitable Student Experiences: An Agenda-setting and Research…
College of Education faculty, staff and students celebrated at awards ceremony
SSRI cofunded faculty member Brandy Henry and PRI associate Erica Frankenberg were among the award winners at the Penn State College of Education's s annual spring awards ceremony on April 20. Cotterill Leadership Enhancement Award The Cotterill Leadership Enhancement Award was created through an…
EMS honors faculty and student excellence at annual awards celebration
SSRI cofund Louisa Holmes, assistant professor of geography, was recently awarded a Gladys Snyder Junior Faculty Grant for her proposal, “Spatial and contextual variations in opioid use and co-use across Pennsylvania in the wake of COVID-19.” The award is given out by Penn State's College…
Santos receives "We Are!" recognition
Several Penn State community members recently received a "We Are!" recognition for having gone above and beyond what’s asked of them in their work at the University. Included in this week's selection is SSRI cofund Alexis Santos, assistant professor of human development and family studies,…
Ho awarded grant to study effects of migration on life expectancy
Life expectancy in the U.S. has been stagnating for over a decade, with coastal and metropolitan areas experiencing life expectancy gains far above those in interior and nonmetropolitan parts of the country. A $2.6 million grant awarded to Jessica Y. Ho, associate professor of sociology and…
Backlash to racial justice movements may boost risk of high BMI, obesity
Since its inception in 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement has helped raise awareness and mobilize efforts against racial inequality. It also has spurred controversy, and new research found that experiencing backlash to the movement may have negative health consequences for Black Americans. The…
Social Science Research Institute welcomes Jessica Ho as cofunded faculty member
Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) recently announced new cofunded faculty member Jessica Ho, who will join the institute in the 2022-23 academic year. Ho is an associate professor of sociology and demography and an associate of the Population Research Institute and comes to Penn…
SSRI welcome event Sept. 21
Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) invites new social and biobehavioral faculty to meet SSRI faculty and affiliates and learn how SSRI can support their research on September 21, 3 – 5 p.m. at the Hintz Family Alumni Center. The outdoor ice-cream social will include a brief…
News Topics: SSRISSRI cofunds
SSRI welcomes new associate directors
The Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) at Penn State announces the addition of two new associate directors, Jennifer Glick and Shedra Amy Snipes. Glick is the Arnold S. and Bette G. Hoffman Professor of Sociology and Criminology / Demography at Penn State, an SSRI cofunded faculty member, and…
News Topics: SSRI DirectorSSRI cofunds
Study explores link between earthquakes, rainfall and food insecurity in Nepal
The effects of monsoon rainfall on food insecurity in Nepal vary by earthquake exposure, with regions that experienced both heavy earthquake shaking and abundant rainfall more likely to have an inadequate supply of nutritious food. That is one of the conclusions of a study led by Heather Randell,…
Byun honored at recent College of Education awards ceremony
Penn State College of Education faculty, staff and students who have made compelling and momentous contributions to their chosen fields or majors over the past year were honored April 15 at the college’s virtual spring appreciation and awards ceremony. Winners were selected through nomination…
News Topics: College of EducationSSRI cofunds
Buxton recognized with endowed appointment
SSRI cofund Orfeu M. Buxton, professor of biobehavioral health, was named the inaugural holder of the Elizabeth Fenton Susman Professorship in Biobehavioral Health in the College of Health and Human Development. Buxton's research focuses on the causes of chronic sleep deficiency in the workplace,…
Morgan featured in “New Yorker”
SSRI co-fund and CEDR director Paul Morgan’s research has been featured in the “New Yorker’s” article, “Georgia’s Separate and Unequal Special-Education System.” Morgan’s research focuses on the underrepresentation of children of color in special education. He argues that environmental factors like…
Youth who age out of foster care show higher educational attainment
Children in foster care often suffer detrimental effects that can carry over into adulthood and infect future relationships. However, new Penn State research indicates youth who age out of foster care attain higher educational achievement than those who exit foster care and are reunited with their…
Four faculty join Social Science Research Institute
Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) recently announced four new co-funded faculty members who will join the institute in the 2018-19 academic year: Maithreyi Gopalan, Alexis Santos, Kenneth Shores, and Ericka Weathers. Maithreyi Gopalan, assistant professor of education in the…