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Australia offers lessons for increasing American life expectancy
Despite being home to some of the world’s most dangerous animals, Australia has led the English-speaking world in life expectancy for the last three decades. As for other high-income Anglophone countries, the Irish saw the largest gains in life expectancy, while Americans have finished dead last…
SSRI Welcomes Three New Co-Funded Faculty Members
The Social Science Research Institute welcomes three new co-funded faculty members to Penn State: Cleothia Frazier, asistant professor of sociology in the College of Liberal Arts. Frazier completed her Ph.D. in sociology at Vanderbilt University and MPH at Michigan State University.…
'Topping out' ceremony held for Welch Building construction project
Construction of the Susan Welch Liberal Arts Building at Penn State's University Park campus marked another significant milestone this week. The University held a “topping out” ceremony at the construction site on Wednesday, July 26, during which representatives from Penn State’s …
Call for Joint projects in Arts, Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences
SSRI is pleased to announce the launch of Joint Projects in Arts, Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Sponsored by SSRI, the College of the Liberal Arts, and the College of Arts and Architecture, we seek proposals for joint projects integrating work in the Arts and Design, and/or the…
News Topics: Seed FundingCollege of the Liberal Arts
Race matters in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, research finds
Hispanic and Black Americans have suffered higher rates of hospitalization and death from COVID-19 than white Americans. A new Penn State study analyzed data collected when COVID-19 vaccines first became available to determine whether these racial and ethnic disparities are related to vaccine…
Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods application deadline February 10
The UC Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative is delighted to host the 3rd annual Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods (SIMRM), to be held at the University of California, Berkeley campus from May 26-June 5, 2020. The Institute is organized and directed by Irene Bloemraad (…
Progressive gender views may protect health of financially dependent men
As it becomes more common for women to be the breadwinner of their family, men’s health may be affected depending on their views on gender ideology, according to Penn State researchers. The researchers found that men who were financially dependent on their wives and who also had more traditional…
New project to track post-prison trajectories of men living with addiction
Despite widespread national attention, the opioid epidemic and larger problems of substance use and misuse continue to deeply affect communities across Pennsylvania and throughout the nation. The impact of the opioid crisis and other substance abuse problems hits even harder for people grappling…
Short to deliver De Jong Lecture in Social Demography on Nov. 21
Susan Short, professor of sociology and director of the Population Studies and Training Center at Brown University, will deliver the 14th annual De Jong Lecture in Social Demography at 9 a.m. Nov. 21 at the Nittany Lion Inn on Penn State’s University Park campus. Short’s research focuses…
Career expo to feature on crime, law, and policy agencies and organizations
The Criminal Justice Research Center will be hosting its inaugural crime, law, and policy-focused career expo from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, in Alumni Hall, HUB-Robeson Center. The Government and Public Sector Career Expo will allow students to access various agencies and organizations…
Penn State faculty, students, and staff participate in pre-semester "R Bootcamp"
Heterogeneity in student backgrounds is a major hurdle to effective, broad, and inclusive education in areas such as data science. For the most part, traditional university classes are built on the idea that a uniform, linear training program is appropriate and efficient. An alternative perspective…
Denise Solomon named distinguished scholar by National Communication Association
Denise Haunani Solomon, professor and head of the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts, has received the 2019 Distinguished Scholar Award from the National Communication Association (NCA). She will receive the award during the association’s…
Helping Alaskan coastal communities adjust to global warming
Alaskan coastal Indigenous communities are facing severe environmental changes that threaten to irrevocably damage their way of life. A $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will allow Penn State researchers to assist local communities with foreseeable environmental challenges…
Trustees approve architect for Liberal Arts research and teaching building
The appointment of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (BCJ) of Wilkes‐Barre, Pennsylvania, as architect for the Liberal Arts Research and Teaching Building to be constructed on the University Park campus was approved today (July 18) by the Penn State Board of Trustees. BCJ was selected based on its work with…
Counting 11 million undocumented immigrants is easier than Trump thinks
By Jennifer Van Hook for The Conversation It is now clear that there will be no question about citizenship on the 2020 U.S. Census. After the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration, President Trump vowed to find a way to include the question. But with no legal path forward and time…
Administrative Data Accelerator partnering with consumer data company
Penn State's Administrative Data Accelerator has selected consumer identity management expert Infutor to support research that informs policy and improves lives. Located in the College of Health and Human Development’s Prevention Research Center, and supported by the Social Science Research…
Penn State hosts second annual Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods
Successful research methods regarding immigration and migrant populations was the focus of the 2019 Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods, held recently at Penn State’s University Park campus. Jennifer Van Hook, Roy C. Buck Professor of Sociology and Demography and a Social Science…
Though politically divided, Americans remain patriotic
Beyond fireworks and outdoor parties, the Fourth of July provides an opportunity for citizens across the United States to reflect on what it means to be an American. Despite increasing polarization, people across the political spectrum appear to be largely united on what it means to be patriotic,…
Jensen co-authors chapter in Gender, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformations
Leif Jensen, associate director of SSRI and distinguished professor of rural sociology and demography, co-authored a chapter in Gender, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformations edited by Carolyn Sachs, professor emerita of rural sociology. Jensen and other authors wrote the section titled 14…
U.S. Births Fell To A 32-Year Low In 2018; CDC Says Birthrate Is In Record Slump
The U.S. birthrate fell again in 2018, to 3,788,235 births — representing a 2% drop from 2017. It's the lowest number of births in 32 years, according to a new federal report. The numbers also sank the U.S. fertility rate to a record low. Not since 1986 has the U.S. seen so few babies born. And it'…
'A Conference on the Study of Lives through Time' to be held at Penn State
The Center for Life Course and Longitudinal Studies (C2LS) will host “It’s About Time: A Conference on the Study of Lives through Time,” on Wednesday-Thursday, May 29-30, at the Penn Stater Conference Center on the University Park campus. All those who are interested are welcome to attend.…
DeJong Discusses 50 years with the State College Choral Society
Gordon DeJong, co-founder of the Population Research Institute and a distinguished professor emeritus of sociology and demography, is celebrating 50 years with the State College Choral Society. He has served on the organization’s board for eight years and has established the DeJong Oratorio…
Penn State represented at Congressional briefing addressing child maltreatment
Yo Jackson, associate director of the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network and professor of psychology at Penn State, recently provided testimony on strengthening prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect to the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor’s subcommittee on Civil Rights…
Iceland receives Raymond Lombra Award
John Iceland, PRI associate and professor of sociology and demography, was recently awarded the Raymond Lombra Award for Distinction in the Social Sciences for his work in this area. Iceland’s research interests include demography, social inequality, immigration and incorporation, and urban…
News from the Federal Statistical Research Data Center
The University of Pittsburgh has joined the Penn State Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC) consortium. The consortium includes Penn State, University of Pennsylvania, Drexel, Temple, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. The institutions jointly oversee and fund the operation…