The Social Science Research Institute welcomes three new co-funded faculty members to Penn State:
Cleothia Frazier, asistant professor of sociology in the College of Liberal Arts. Frazier completed her Ph.D. in sociology at Vanderbilt University and MPH at Michigan State University. Prior to coming to Penn State, she was a T-32 postdoctoral scholar at Duke University’s Duke Aging Center. Her work focuses on medical sociology, aging and life course, sleep, the social determinants of health, and stress.
Nicole Kreisberg, assistant professor of public policy and sociology in the College of Liberal Arts. Kreisberg received her Ph.D. in sociology from Brown University and A.M. (M.S.W.) in social policy from the University of Chicago. Prior to coming to Penn State, she was a David E. Bell Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University’s Center for Population and Development Studies. Her research interests include immigrant, racial, and gender stratification, labor markets and educational institutions, and law, organizations, and society.
Nelson Roque, assistant professor of human development and family studies in the College of Health and Human Development. Roque graduated from Florida State University with a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology. Before coming to Penn State, he was an assistant professor at the University of Central Florida, and he completed a National Institute of Aging Pathways T-32 postdoctoral fellowship at Penn State under Martin Sliwinski at the Center for Healthy Aging.
SSRI enables and facilitates research that addresses critical human and social challenges at the local, national, and international levels. The institute supports over 60 co-funded faculty positioned within nine colleges and over 500 faculty across nine campuses via various funding mechanisms.