Many researchers from Penn State’s Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) and Population Research Institute (PRI) participated in the Population Association of America’s (PAA) annual meeting, which took place recently in Atlanta.
This year’s conference featured 235 sessions from a variety of experts on topics including all stages of human life, immigration, health, mortality, demography, education and more. The three-day event also offered poster sessions, workshops, and an awards ceremony.
SSRI cofund and incoming PRI Director Jenny Van Hook is the Vice President of the PAA and was organizing committee co-chair of this year’s conference. Other Penn State researchers who participated and presented at the conference can be found below:
PAA is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports high-quality research on population issues. PAA membership has grown to 3,000 people reflecting professional interest in the population field, including demographers, sociologists, economists, and public health professionals. Online recordings of the 2022 conference are available on the PAA website, and will be available until the end of the year.