Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute presents “Building Effective Community Collaborations” at its next Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series from noon to 1 p.m. on Nov. 21.
In addition to being held at 116 Henderson at the University Park campus, the session will be streamed to C1742K at the College of Medicine and will stream online. Online registration is requested; the online stream link is provided upon registration.
Martha Wadsworth, Ph.D., co-lead of the institute’s Community-Engaged Research Core, joins Dawn Witherspoon, Ph.D., and Laureen Teti, Ph.D., of the Harrisburg-based Penn State Parents and Children Together (PACT), to discuss lessons learned and practical advice on building strong community collaborations. Lavette R. Paige, founder and CEO of The KING Community Center, and Julie Walter, Tri-county Community Action, will join the panel to share their experiences.
The Bench to Bedside and Beyond Seminar Series is held to encourage an engaged translational science workforce through panel discussions and practical application information.
For details about Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute and how its tools, resources and services can help research be more efficient and effective, visit ctsi.psu.edu. To request a Community-Engaged Research consultation or to learn how a research project at Penn State can benefit from the institute’s resources, complete the institute’s service request form.