The online learning and professional development platform long used by Penn State students, faculty and staff will be upgraded in August when Lynda.com becomes LinkedIn Learning.
Despite the name change, LinkedIn Learning will retain features popular with Lynda.com users while adding new capabilities that will deliver a more personalized learning experience. These upgrades will help learners achieve their learning goals more easily and efficiently.
While retaining Lynda.com’s robust course library in addition to its transcripts, exercise files, mobile viewing capabilities, bookmarking and practice environments, LinkedIn Learning will also offer a more intuitive interface, more relevant content recommendations and enhanced reporting tools.
Those who have previously used Lynda.com will not lose any of their information as all admin and learner data including groups, assigned content, account settings and history will carry over to LinkedIn Learning.
Additionally, the upgrade to LinkedIn Learning will allow users to connect their accounts with their LinkedIn profiles. This will allow for further customization, including course recommendations based on job title, skills and industry. Linking profiles will also help you discover relevant learning content via your LinkedIn feed.
These features will help users navigate and make the most of LinkedIn Learning’s growing library which already exceeds 10,000 courses and includes the full suite of applications in Microsoft Office 365 and Adobe Creative Cloud.
For news and updates, please visit linkedinlearning.psu.edu. If you have any questions about the upgrade, please contact linkedinlearning@psu.edu.