Time | to 12:00 pm Add to Calendar 2011-10-24 08:00:00 2011-10-24 12:00:00 6th Annual De Jong Lecture in Social Demography Nittany Lion Inn, Ballroom DE Population Research Institute css7@psu.edu America/New_York public |
Location | Nittany Lion Inn, Ballroom DE |
Presenter(s) |
Dr. Barbara Entwisle Dr. Stephen Matthews Dr. Linda Lobao |
Description |
Presented by Barbara Entwisle, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hundreds of studies have examined the consequences of neighborhood contexts for health behaviors and health outcomes. Whether the neighborhood characteristics and mechanisms important in urban places also hold in rural settings is an open question. Part of the reason why researchers do not know the answer to this question is that data collection strategies to support research on neighborhoods and health in urban settings do not translate well to rural contexts. At the 6th Annual De Jong Lecture in Social Demography, Dr. Barbara Entwisle will propose an approach for adapting one of these strategies—systematic social observation--- to non-metropolitan and rural areas and will demonstrate and evaluate its implementation in Duplin County, NC.
Discussants: Stephen Matthews (Ph.D., University of Wales, Cardiff) is Associate Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Demography (Courtesy Geography) and the academic director of the Geographic Information Analysis Core in the Population Research Institute at Penn State. He is PI of a Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD-supported training grant on spatial analysis in population science, promoting the utilization of geospatial data and spatial analytic methods in demographic and health research. He is interested in conceptual and methodological issues associated with how neighborhoods are defined and their attributes are measured, and the relevance of these definitions/measures to individual behavior and health outcomes. Earlier this year he co-edited with Linda Burton, Susan Kemp, Mancui Lueng and David Takeuchi, "Communities, Neighborhoods, and Health: Expanding the Boundaries of Place." PSU Sociology profile Linda Lobao is Professor of Rural Sociology, Sociology, and Geography at The Ohio State University. Dr. Lobao’s research focuses on the socioeconomic well-being of regions, communities, and households and the impact of state and market changes across geographic space. Her research areas include spatial inequality (with a focus on poverty and other disparities across places and populations), development sociology, political sociology, and gender. In addition to publishing numerous journal articles and book chapters, she has published three books, the most recent being an edited volume with Gregory Hooks and Ann Tickamyer, The Sociology of Spatial Inequality (The State University of New York Press, 2007). Lobao has served on the editorial boards of Rural Sociology and Demography among others. She is presently a co-editor of The Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society. Lobao was President of the Rural Sociological Society in 2002- 2003 and was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007.
Agenda: 8:30 Check-in outside Ballroom DE, Beverages available 9:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks 9:10 Innovation in the Measurement of Place: Systematic Social Observation in a Rural Setting - Barbara Entwisle, Ph.D., Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10:00 Break 10:10 Discussants 11:00 Open Discussion 11:45 Reception at the Nittany Lion Inn, Alumni Lounge - You are invited to share conversation and refreshments with presenters and conference attendees.
Lecture Sponsors The De Jong Lecture is supported by the Gordon F. and Caroline M. De Jong Lectureship in Social Demography Endowment, administered jointly (and supplemented as necessary) by the Department of Sociology and the Population Research Institute at Penn State. View Previous De Jong Lectures
Gordon F. De Jong is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Demography, Director of the Graduate Program in Demography, and Senior Scientist with the Population Research Institute at Penn State. Caroline M. De Jong, a former middle school teacher, has been involved in numerous community, church, and university related organizations including the American Association of University Women, Stay-and-Play Nursery School, Presbyterian Women, and the Centre County Board of Elections. |
Contact Person | Carolyn Scott |
Contact Email | css7@psu.edu |
Contact Phone | (814) 865-0486 |
Event Type |