- Getting Started with CATS IRB
- Training: Available within CATS - click on "Help Center" located on the left side menu. Select "Training" tab on the light grey bar at the top.
We are asking all researchers to add ‘lar101@psu.edu’ as a guest on all their IRB’s. This will allow us to attach the IRB approvals to grant proposals/progress reports and restricted data contracts. The guest link shows you where to find the specific area in CATS.
Continuing Review for Existing/Secondary Data
- If you put enrollment numbers (Q 1) in a CR (Continuing Review) in the past, continue to use the same numbers. Otherwise, put zero for all three questions.
- Q 5: to avoid 'clarifying questions' copy the check marks in this screenshot.
Restricted Data IRB’s
For existing/secondary data, follow these steps:
- Does your project fall under "Non HSR" (Human Subjects Research)? Complete the worksheet HRP-300 (CATS library under the worksheet tab). If you need an IRB determination letter for a grant, you can submit the HRP-594 template.
- For HSR projects, complete the HRP-596 template.
Please contact Lisa Ryan if you should have questions or would like a template for NCES / Add Health.