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Participants from Pennsylvania State University
Abler, David
Acciai, Francesco
Amato, Paul
Bai, Yifan
Baker, David
Baumgartner, Erin
Bleser, William
Boyd, Lisa
Campbell, Angela
Chandler, Raeven Faye
Cook, Michae
De Jong, Gordon F.
DeLessio-Parson, Anne
- Chair of Session 30. New Research on Gender and Housework, Thursday, April 30/10:15 AM - 11:45 AM, Sapphire Ballroom L - Level 4
- Author of Son Preference and Sterilization in the Context of Fertility Decline in Tamil Nadu, India, in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health, Saturday, May 2/11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Dodoo, Francis Nii-Amoo
- Chair of Session 55. Data and Measurement Challenges in the Developing World - Field Validation Innovations, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Aqua 314 - Level 3
- Co-author of Does Community Physical Activity Protect Urban Poor Youth in Accra from Sexual Risk Taking beyond Their Own Participation in Physical Activity?, in Session 238. Sexual Behavior, Risks, and Networks, Saturday, May 2/12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, Sapphire 411 A - Level 4
- Co-author of Factors Influencing Household Cooking Fuel Choices in Ghana, in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment, Friday, May 1/11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Fikru, Emnet
Firebaugh, Glenn
Fisher-Vanden, Karen
Fowler, Christopher S.
- Discussant of Session 7. Spatial Demographic Analysis of Poverty, Thursday, April 30/8:30 AM - 10:00 AM, Sapphire Ballroom E - Level 4
- Author of Segregation as a Multi-Scalar Phenomenon and Its Implications for Neighborhood-Scale Research: The Case of South Seattle 1990-2010, in Session 51. Methods of Spatial Analysis, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Aqua Salon AB - Level 3
- Co-author of Seattle’s Multiethnic Neighborhoods: Explanations for Stable Diversity beyond the Chicago School, inPoster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment, Friday, May 1/11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Frisco, Michelle
Furnas, Hannah E.
Galvan, Chris
Graefe, Deborah Roempke
Greenman, Emily
Haas, Steven A.
Hardy, Melissa
Hillemeier, Marianne M.
Howe Hasanali, Stephanie
- Author of Health Expenditure Inequality among Foreign-Born and U.S.-Born Adults: Examining Education Gradients in Health Care and Structural Assimilation Indicators, in Poster Session 5: Adult Health and Mortality,Friday, May 1/9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
- Co-author of Immigrant Receptivity, Community Health Contexts and Access to Physician Care: Children of Mexican Immigrants in Emerging versus Established Immigrant Destination Areas, in Poster Session 7: Health and Mortality of Women, Children and Families, Friday, May 1/2:00 PM - 4:00 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Huynh, Timmy
Iceland, John
Inkpen, Christopher S.
Jacobsen, Wade C.
Jayakody, Rukmalie
Jeon, Haram
Jeppsen, Catherine
- Author of Gender Equality and Cross-National Differences in Fertility, in Poster Session 3: Fertility Intentions and Behaviors, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
- Author of Religious Context, Religiosity, and Cross-National Differences in Fertility, in Poster Session 3: Fertility Intentions and Behaviors, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
King, Valarie
- Author of Stepfather-Adolescent Relationship Quality during the First Year of Transitioning to a Stepfamily, inSession 146. Repartnering and Stepfamilies, Friday, May 1/1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Sapphire Ballroom E - Level 4
- Author of Factors Associated with Perceptions of Family Belonging among Adolescents, in Poster Session 1: Marriage, Unions, Families, and Households, Thursday, April 30/8:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Klein, Laura
Landale, Nancy S.
Larsen, Ashley
Lee, Barrett A.
Li, Hui
Lindstrom, Rachel
Liu, Jing
Lu, Yunmei
Luke, Nancy
- Chair of Session 166. Gender, Families, and Time Use, Friday, May 1/2:45 PM - 4:15 PM, Sapphire Ballroom E - Level 4
- Co-author of Son Preference and Sterilization in the Context of Fertility Decline in Tamil Nadu, India, in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health, Saturday, May 2/11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Lumley-Sapanski, Audrey
Maczuga, Steven
Mahfouz, Julia
Mann, Bryan A.
Martin, Michael J. R.
Matthews, Stephen A.
Mattison, Richard
Miranda, Patricia Y.
Monnat, Shannon M.
Morgan, Paul
Noah, Aggie J.
Oi, Katsuya
- Co-author of Cross-National Variation in the Prevalence and Long-Term Health Effects of Poor Childhood Health and Socioeconomic Disadvantage among Aging Cohorts, in Session 190. Life Course Approaches to Health and Mortality, Saturday, May 2/9:00 AM - 10:30 AM, Aqua Salon AB - Level 3
- Author of Perceptions of Health Limitations, Employment, and Career Characteristics among Older Adults in the United States, in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging, Thursday, April 30/3:30 PM - 5:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Oropesa, Sal
Pham, Phuong
Pong, Suet-ling
Pragg, Brianne E.
Quiros, Susana
- Co-author of Neighborhood Contexts and Dietary Acculturation among Mexican-Origin Children, in Session 41. Assimilation and Integration, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Sapphire Ballroom A - Level 4
- Author of Destabilization, Migration and Multiplication: Unintended Consequences of U.S. Foreign Policy in the Americas, in Poster Session 6: Migration and Urbanization/Population, Development, and the Environment, Friday, May 1/11:30 AM - 1:30 PM, Indigo Ballrooms A-H - Level 2
Ramey, David M.
Reyes, Adriana M.
Rhubart, Danielle
Schoen, Robert
Shapiro, David
Sherman-Wilkins, Kyler
Shi, Yunfeng
Staff, Jeremy
Swedberg, Brian
Taylor, Marylee C.
Thomas, Jason R.
Trinitapoli, Jenny
- Author of The Invasion of Privacy: Third-Party Effects in Developing-Country Survey Research, in Session 55. Data and Measurement Challenges in the Developing World - Field Validation Innovations, Thursday, April 30/1:00 PM - 2:30 PM, Aqua 314 - Level 3
- Discussant of Session 61. Changing Fertility Intentions, Thursday, April 30/2:45 PM - 4:15 PM, Sapphire Ballroom A - Level 4
- Chair of Session 115. HIV and STIs: Context Matters, Friday, May 1/8:30 AM - 10:00 AM, Aqua 313 - Level 3
Tyagi, Ashish
Van Hook, Jennifer
Wang, Donghui
Wang, Wei-Lin
Wrenn, Douglas H.
Zaveri, Esha