Time | to Add to Calendar 2020-10-26 13:00:00 2020-10-27 16:00:00 28th Annual National Symposium on Family Issues Virtual: Details to follow Population Research Institute css7@psu.edu America/New_York public |
Location | Virtual: Details to follow |
Description |
![]() Causes and Consequences of Parent-Child Separations: Pathways to Resilience The 28th Annual Symposium on Family Issues focuses on circumstances of parent-child separation that have become increasingly evident in the social-political-economic context of the 21st century, namely parental incarceration, migration and deportation, and military deployment. In sessions addressing these three broad domains of parent-child separation, speakers will consider the societal factors that have given rise to increasing numbers of children and youth who are experiencing separation and the implications of separation for their well-being. Special emphasis will be placed on factors, such as family and community resources and supports, that promote youth and family well-being in the face of separation, and on the processes through which these and other protective factors give rise to positive functioning in youth and their families. Speakers also will highlight the implications of their research for evidence-based programs and policies that foster youth and family resilience. The Family Symposium was virtual. Book Citation ![]() Glick, J. E., King, V., & McHale, S. M. (Eds.). (2022). Parent-child separation: Causes, Consequences, and Pathways to Resilience. Springer. Book Access Information The book can be purchased in hardcover or as an ebook from Springer. Individual chapters can also be purchased. This title is included in Springer’s MyCopy Service which is available only through university libraries that subscribe to the service. MyCopy allows the purchase of a digitally printed softcover edition for $24.99. For Penn State affiliates: The book is available through the PSU library’s subscription to SpringerLink. You can access the ebook here. See the option to purchase a MyCopy Softcover edition for $24.99 at this link in the box on the right. Monday, October 26 Session 1: Parental/Familial Migration and Deportation
Presider: Dawn Witherspoon, McCourtney Family Early Career Professor in Psychology, Associate Professor, Penn State
Tuesday, October 27 Session 2: Parental Military Deployment Launched in 2001, the Global War on Terrorism is the longest war in U.S. history. With this war have come changes in the composition of the U.S. military force: Whereas in prior eras, the military was comprised largely of young single men without dependents who were drafted into service, today, more than half of the women and men in the nation’s all volunteer military force have children. And the duration of the current conflict in combination with the smaller overall size of the military has meant that deployments to combat and other regions of the globe have been longer and more frequent than before, meaning that large numbers of children are experiencing multiple and extended periods of parental separation. Speakers in this session will address the implications of parents’ military deployment for their children, including factors and processes that increase and mitigate risks for child adjustment, and programs and policies that best support military families with children.
Presider: Daniel Perkins, Principal Scientist, Penn State Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness Session 3: Parental Incarceration
Presider: Derek Kreager, Liberal Arts Professor of Sociology and Criminology, Penn State
Detailed Session Agenda
* Each speaker will have 20 minutes to present followed by 5 minutes of clarification questions submitted in real-time by attendees.
* 10-minute break after the third speaker.
* Each speaker will have 10 minutes to present translational implications of their work for policies, research, programs, etc.
* 45 minutes for questions addressed to any of the three speakers. Questions can be submitted in real-time.
Symposium Sponsors The Symposium on Family Issues is sponsored annually by The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R13 HD048150) along with Penn State's Population Research Institute and Social Science Research Institute. Also see: |
Contact Person | Carolyn Scott |
Contact Email | css7@psu.edu |
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